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Account Comparison

Savings Account Comparison

Compare our many savings accounts and we can help you pick the one that best suits your needs. Most don't have a service fee, which helps you to #getmore money back! Each account comes with the Citizens Experience. Don't know what that is? Stop into any of our locations and you will find out.

Account Type
Opening Deposit
Minimum Balance
Service Fees
Personal Savings
Quarterly Statement. Free ATM card to be used at ATMs only. ATM card is part of the MoneyPass network
Variable interest rate paid on balances over $100. No interest paid on balances under $100.
$100 to earn interest
Minor Savings
Birthday cards for 17 & under.
Yes, variable rate on balance up to $10,000. Regular savings rate on balance over $10,000.
Smart Savers Club
Smart Savers card. Paw stamp, toy prize, and sticker for every deposit made. 10 stamps earns CSB piggy bank, $10 Subway gift card, or $10 deposited into their savings account. Activity sheets & coloring contest.
Ages 0-14.
Automatic with Minor Savings Account
IRA Savings
Roth or Traditional.
Yes, variable interest rate.
Early Withdrawal if under 59 1/2
HSA (Health Savings Account)
Great way to save money for lifes unexpected medical bills. Need high deductible insurance plan to qualify.
Yes, variable interest rate.
$25 set up fee/check costs
Certificate of Deposit / IRA CDs
Terms of 91 days to 60 months. Penalty for early withdrawal:
3 months interest on 18 months or less 6 months interest on 24 months or more.
Fixed interest rate.
Minimum of $1000
Early Withdrawal
Safe Deposit Box (Only available in Clayton, La Crosse, & Onalaska)
All safe deposit boxes are 21 inches long. Please check with a Relationship Banker for availability. Sizes vary: 3x5, 3x10, 5x10, 10x10.
See a Relationship Banker for details
Renewal of Safe Deposit Box Annually Jan 1st

What Our Clients Say About Us

Citizens State Bank is seriously awesome!! Walking in you wouldn’t ever believe it’s a bank.
The atmosphere and positive attitudes of everyone makes my day!

Outstanding service, great atmosphere!
Look forward to years of being a customer!

Citizens State Bank is seriously awesome!! Walking in you wouldn’t ever believe it’s a bank.
The atmosphere and positive attitudes of everyone makes my day!

This bank is by far the best experience I have ever had with dealings with banks!!
I will refer citizens to anyone!