Are you happy with the service your current credit card processor is providing you? Local service, response time, and competitive pricing are what have made Citizens' credit card processing program like no other in the area. We can do a cost-free comparison with your current provider, and you will see the difference. You could be paying way more than you should and don't know it, just like this customer!
Citizens State Bank offers credit card solutions with resources and support, delivering complete end-to-end payment processing services, including:
Call and ask for Marcia or Mariah or email to apply. We will provide you with a customized rate quote to fit the unique needs of your business.
Receive support and superior customer service 24/7 with Citizens State Bank Merchant Processing.
PCI applies to ANY organization or merchant, regardless of size or number of transactions. If any customer pays the merchant directly using a credit card or debit card, the merchant must certify and renew annually as a compliant merchant and comply with regulations from the Payment Card Industry.