Posted on October 11, 2022
Please help us welcome Jessie Goebel, who has accepted the CER position in our La Crosse office!
Jessie is currently a student at the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse studying Business Management! Not only are her classes a perfect fit for her new role, but also her previous work experience. Jessie comes to Citizens with a background in customer service and that is exactly what is needed since she’ll work directly with our customers!
One of Jessie’s favorite things to do when she’s not in the office is to go skiing! In fact, she has even traveled to go to different Ski Resorts! She mentions that her favorite place she’s been skiing so far is Breckenridge, Colorado! Good thing the winter season is approaching so that she can get out on the slopes!
Another fun fact about Jessie that she really likes listening to country music and her favorite artist is Blake Shelton! Whether it’s Boys ‘Round Here, Came Here to Forget, or Sure Be Cool If You Did, his songs never disappoint!
Again, welcome Jessie! We can’t wait to watch your story evolve here at Citizens!