Posted on January 6, 2022
Please help us welcome, Elise Fierst as our new part-time teller in the Eau Claire Office! Elise is a Finance major at UW-Eau Claire. When she’s not at work or school she loves watching scary movies (helps that her favorite TV channel is HBO) and listening to 80’s music. If Ellie was stuck on a desert island, she would miss Dr. Pepper and Burritos (sounds choices!). The craziest thing she’s ever done is go see Alabama play in the Rose Bowl and at Nationals. If you ever need a new member for your band, Ellie can play a bit of piano, violin, and trumpet. Lastly, we asked Ellie if she could have one wish what would it be. She wished that sugar would be good for you. What a wonderful thing to wish for!
Stop into our Eau Claire office and introduce yourself to Elise. Welcome to the Citizens Team!!!