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Choosing the Safest Payment Method: The Risks of Debit Cards During the Holidays

Posted on December 5, 2023

Choosing the Safest Payment Method: The Risks of Debit Cards During the Holidays

The holiday season brings an array of online payment options, and choosing the safest one is crucial. While debit cards are commonly used, they might not be the best choice for online shopping, especially during the busy holiday rush. Directly linked to your checking account, debit cards can pose a higher risk in the event of fraudulent activities. The immediate financial impact can be a source of major stress. Fortunately, with Citizens Digital, you have the power to freeze your debit card instantly if you notice suspicious activity. This swift action can be a lifesaver, preventing unauthorized access and giving you peace of mind during your holiday shopping.


Shopping from New Vendors: A Joyful and Safe Holiday Experience

Discovering new online stores during the holidays is an exciting part of the season. To make sure your festive shopping is both delightful and secure, follow these golden rules:


Research is Key: Begin with a search for customer reviews of new vendors. This holiday season, take the time to read what others have experienced to gauge a store's trustworthiness.


Verify the Site: Double-check the website's URL for accuracy and ensure there's a security lock symbol. This simple check can protect you from common online scams that tend to increase during the holidays.


Smart Pricing: Be cautious of deals that seem too good to be true, particularly on high-demand holiday items. Scammers often use unbelievable discounts to lure shoppers.


Guest Checkout for the Win: Opt for guest checkout to minimize sharing personal information. This reduces the risk of your data being compromised, a common concern during the high-traffic holiday shopping season.


Stay Alert for Red Flags: Quick online research can unveil if a vendor has a history of scams or poor customer service. It's especially important to be vigilant during the holidays when new pop-up shops and offers are abundant.


Leveraging Citizens Digital for Enhanced Security

Citizens State Bank isn't just about providing convenient banking solutions; it's also about empowering you to safeguard your finances, especially during the holiday shopping frenzy. With Citizens Digital, you can effortlessly freeze your debit card the moment you suspect any fraudulent activity. This feature acts as an immediate safeguard against unauthorized transactions. Additionally, you have the flexibility to set specific times for card usage, adding an extra layer of security. And if you ever feel the need, changing your PIN is as simple as a few taps in the app, ensuring that you're always in control of your card's security.


As we embrace the joy and excitement of holiday shopping, staying informed and cautious is key. By choosing the right payment methods and being vigilant about new vendors, you can enjoy a safe and pleasant shopping experience. Remember, with Citizens Digital, you're not just shopping; you're shopping smartly, with the confidence that your finances are secure and protected. Happy holidays and happy shopping!